familytherapy 18 04 26 elena koshka the good daughter. Powell is usually viewed as being a racist, but that is too simplistic. [82] The following year, he was appointed a Member of the Order of the British Empire for his military service. Callaghan a life Kenneth O. Morgan (1998). Even the most cautious and gradualist of English libertarians now admit that only a radical political change can save England. [37] Also in 1933, Powell won the Browne Medal and delivered his winning essay in the Senate House, Cambridge. In March 1968, the month before the "Rivers of Blood" speech, he made his first public references to them in a speech in Walsall, when he described the concern of an anonymous constituent whose daughter was the only white child in her primary school class and suffered bullying from non-white pupils. [60] Among his students was future Labor Prime Minister of Australia Gough Whitlam, who described his lectures as 'dry as dust'. The decline will not have been permanent. Powell also admired Housman's lectures on Lucretius, Horace, Virgil and Catullus. The writer described the fate of an elderly woman who was supposedly the last White person living in her street. Therefore, the title 'Head of the Commonwealth', the third major change, was "essentially a sham. On 2 January 1952, the 39-year-old Powell married 26-year-old Margaret Pamela Wilson, a former colleague from the Conservative Central Office. He entered the sixth form two years before his classmates and was remembered as a hard-working student; his contemporary Roy Lewis recalled that "we thought that the masters were afraid of him". [281], During the 1970 election, Tony Benn declared in a speech that Powell's approach to immigration was 'evil', and said "The flag of racialism which has been hoisted in Wolverhampton is beginning to look like the one that fluttered over Dachau and Belsen." (Eddie Powell / New Sensations) Scene_3 Elena Koshka_480p. [58] A further collection of poems, Dancer's End and The Wedding Gift, were published in 1951, and all his poems were published in one volume in 1990. A North Carolina judge on Tuesday ordered the unsealing of search warrants related to the disappearance of 11-year-old Madalina Cojocari. The "true case against the nuclear weapon is the nightmarish unreality and criminal levity of the grounds upon which its acquisition and multiplication are advocated and defended". "[102]:206207 Powell also disagreed with the notion that because it was in Africa, different methods were acceptable: Nor can we ourselves pick and choose where and in what parts of the world we shall use this or that kind of standard. 281 views - 32:58. May God Bless you! Heath appointed him Shadow Secretary of State for Defence. Powell said that war could not be banished because "War is implicit in the human condition". My school days are not fragments, they are one big blur. [121], After his speech on immigration in 1968, Powell's political opponents sometimes alleged that he had, when Minister of Health, recruited immigrants from the Commonwealth into the National Health Service (NHS). Jay Briscoes daughter has surgery and another has serious injuries Teenager, 18, sentenced to life in prison for massacring his entire family, including brother, 3, so he can be with his girlfriend; People are just now realizing why these 15 stars, including Foden and Bellingham, have bizarre shirt numbers [246], In April 1995, he said in an interview that for the Conservatives "defeat [at the next election] would help. "[282] Similarly, Powell responded to student hecklers at a speech in Cardiff: "I hope those who shouted 'Fascist' and 'Nazi' are aware that before they were born I was fighting against Fascism and Nazism. Under God's good providence and in partnership with the United States, we keep the peace of the world and rush hither and thither containing Communism, putting out brush fires and coping with subversion. The Conservatives had promised at the 1970 general election[167] in relation to the Common Market. [104] Powell was a member of the Suez Group of MPs who were against the removal of British troops from the Suez Canal, because such a move would demonstrate, Powell argued, that the UK could no longer maintain a position there, and that any claim to the Suez Canal would therefore be illogical. So the whole notion of a 'corresponding withdrawal', a withdrawal of the only force which can possibly restore the position, which can possibly ensure any of the objectives which have been talked about on either side of the House, is in contradiction of the determination to repossess the Falklands". Powell also disliked the American belief that "they are authorised, possibly by the deity, to intervene, openly or covertly, in the internal affairs of other countries anywhere in the world". She was united in marriage to Justin Wright of Norborne in April of 2019, they later divorced. Powell decided to use his middle name and from that moment referred to himself as "Enoch Powell". These changes were "greatly repugnant" to Powell: if they are changes which were demanded by those who in many wars had fought with this country, by nations who maintained an allegiance to the Crown, and who signified a desire to be in the future as were in the past; if it were our friends who had come to us and said: "We want this," I would say: "Let it go. familytherapy 18 04 26 elena koshka the good daughter. A world in which the American myth and the American nightmare go unchallenged by question or by contradiction is not a world as safe or as peaceable as human reason, prudence and realism can make it". The second event was Mikhail Gorbachev's offer of both the Soviet Union and the United States agreeing to abolish intermediate-range ballistic missiles. It arose in the context of remarks which she made about defence against the Soviet Union and its allies; but there was no reason to suppose that the right hon. At this moment a heckler shouted "Judas!" 5018 views - 40:31. The depths of infamy to which our accurst "love of peace" can lower us are unfathomable. Powell has remained a controversial and yet prominent figure and has been cited by Nigel Farage as his "political hero."[142]. He had trouble enlisting, as during the "Phoney War" the War Office did not want men with no military training. [129] Norman Fowler, then a reporter for The Times, interviewed Powell during the election and asked him what the biggest issue was: "I expected to be told something about the cost of living but not a bit of it. He also stated that the inclusion in the proposals of thirty crossbenchers was "a grand absurdity", because they would have been chosen "upon the very basis that they have no strong views of principle on the way in which the country ought to be governed". Powell said, "In the minds of the Russians the inevitable commitment of the United States in such a war would have come not directly or necessarily from the stationing of American marines in Germany, but, as it came in the previous two struggles, from the ultimate involvement of the United States in any war determining the future of Europe". boothcoleman .com. This, he added, might be "deplored, but it cannot be altered", and it therefore had to be "endured and (alas!) If that were the meaning of the resolution of the Security Council, the charter of the United Nations would not be a charter of peace; it would be a pirates' charter. In the aftermath of the speech, several polls suggested that 67 to 82 per cent of the UK population agreed with Powell's opinions. In 1987, Thatcher visited the Soviet Union, which signified to Powell a "radical transformation which is in progress in both the foreign policy and the defence policy of the United Kingdom". Anderson adds that the speech had no effect on immigration, except to make it more difficult for the subject to be discussed rationally in polite society.[274]. The next day, 400 meat porters from Smithfield market handed in a 92-page petition in support of Powell, amidst other mass demonstrations of working-class support, much of it from trade unionists, in London and Wolverhampton. He received a warm ovation from the mostly Nationalist audience and as he walked off the platform, he said the words Edmund Burke used on the death of candidate Richard Coombe: "What shadows we are, what shadows we pursue". I sometimes wonder if, when we shed our power, we omitted to shed our arrogance".[236]. [251] By then, Powell had been hospitalised several times as a result of a succession of falls. [130] Powell said that he had "left his visiting card", i.e. October 15, 2012 | Times of Malta | 191 2 min read A 44-year-old man from Cospicua this morning admitted in court to raping his three daughters.He started Rest In Peace Norine. Frost asked Powell whether or not he was a racialist, to which Powell replied: It depends on how you define the word "racialist". Colonial Chapel Funeral Home of Mendenhall is in charge of arrangements. Mother of Agnes Casey The UK's national interests determined that the country should have "a foreign policy which befits the sole insular and oceanic state in Europe". Powell had a copy of a State Department Policy Statement[189] from 15 August 1950, in which the American government said that the "agitation" caused by partition in Ireland "lessens the usefulness of Ireland in international organisations and complicates strategic planning for Europe". Nations are, upon the whole, united by identity with one another, the self-identification of our citizens, and that's normally due to similarities which are regarded as racial differences. Powell's speeches and TV interviews throughout his political life displayed a suspicion towards "the Establishment" in general, and by the 1980s there was a regular expectation that he would make some sort of speech or act in a way designed to upset the government and ensure he would not be offered a life peerage (and thus be transferred to the House of Lords), which, some believe, he had no intention of accepting so long as Edward Heath sat in the Commons. A Daily Express opinion poll in 1972 showed Powell to be the most popular politician in the country. A transcript of the speech was sent to Washington and the American embassy requested to talk to Heath about the "Powell doctrine". 275 views - 32:58. But he added, "There would be very few people who would say the time had yet come when it was essential that so great a change should be made". During its second reading, Powell warned of passing legislation "in haste and under the immediate pressure of indignation on matters which touch the fundamental liberties of the subject; for both haste and anger are ill counsellors, especially when one is legislating for the rights of the subject". [8] In early 1956, he spoke for the Housing Subsidies Bill in the Commons and argued for the rejection of an amendment that would have hindered slum clearances. During an interview with the Birmingham Post, a fortnight after Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech, he was asked whether or not he was a racialist. Racism is the basis of a nationality. He decided to remain in parliament and in the Conservative Party, and was expected to support the party in Wolverhampton at the snap general election of February 1974 called by Edward Heath. [81] On one occasion, he was arrested as a suspected German spy for singing the Horst-Wessel-Lied. If they were elected it would pose the dilemma of which House was truly representative of the electorate. During the Second World War, he served in both staff and intelligence positions, reaching the rank of brigadier. He argued that as he had opposed the Life Peerages Act 1958, it would be hypocritical for him to take one, but even if he was willing to accept a hereditary peerage (which would have been extinct upon his death as he had no male heir), Thatcher was unwilling to court the controversy that might have arisen as a result. [227], He was offered a life peerage, which was regarded as his right as a former cabinet minister, but declined it. On the day it was signed, 14 November, Powell asked her in the Commons: "Does the Right Hon. [241], On 16 May 1994, Powell spoke at the Bruges Group and said Europe had "destroyed one Prime Minister and will destroy another Prime Minister yet" and demanded powers surrendered to the European Court of Justice to be repatriated. The Chancellor of Cambridge University, the Conservative Party leader Stanley Baldwin, told the Master of Trinity J. J. Thomson: "Powell reads as if he understands". [13]:318 Powell voted against the reinstitution of the death penalty several times between 1969 and 1987. In 1985, race riots between the black community and the police broke out in London and in Birmingham, leading Powell to repeat his warning that ethnic civil conflict would be the ultimate outcome of foreign mass migration into the British Isles, and re-issue his call for a government sponsored programme of repatriation. It has been a great experience, having given up so much to find that there is now this range of opinion in all classes, that an agreement with the EEC is totally incompatible with normal parliamentary government. She was loving mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, great-great grandmother, and sister. puretaboo 18 09 13 casey calvert eliza jane and elena koshka the escape. [123] Powell's biographer Simon Heffer also stated that the claim "is a complete untruth. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Tracey. When he visited Russia, Powell went to the graves of 600,000 people who died during the siege of Leningrad and saying that he could not believe a people who had suffered so much would willingly start another war. In the next week or two this House, the nation and the right hon. Despite his earlier atheism, Powell became a devout member of the Church of England, thinking in 1949 "that he heard the bells of St Peter's Wolverhampton calling him" while walking to his flat in his (then future) constituency. Published by Donnellan Family Funeral Services on Jul. [233] At the Conservative Party conference in October, he told a fringe meeting, "I find myself today less on the fringe of that party than I have done for 20 years". When Thatcher was challenged by Michael Heseltine for the leadership of the Conservative Party during November 1990, Powell said he would rejoin the party, which he had left in February 1974 over the issue of Europe, if Thatcher won, and would urge the public to support both her and, in Powell's view, national independence. [212], In an article for the Sunday Telegraph on 3 April, Powell expressed his opposition to the Labour Party's manifesto pledge to outlaw fox hunting. Powell also read books on the war, which helped form his opinion that Britain and Germany would fight again. However much we disagreed with many of his views, there was no doubting the strength of his convictions or their sincerity, or his tenacity in pursuing them, regardless of his own political self-interest."[256]. [74], During October 1939, almost a month after returning home from Australia, Powell enlisted as a private in the Royal Warwickshire Regiment. [229], In an interview for the Sunday People in December 1988, Powell said the Conservative Party was "rejoining Enoch" on the European Community but repeated his warning of civil war as the consequence of immigration: "I still cannot forsee how a country can be peaceably governed in which the composition of the population is progressively going to change. For over thirty years we have sanctimoniously and dishonestly pretended respect, if not awe, for an organisation which all the time we knew was a monstrous and farcical humbug. His Collected Poems appeared in 1990. His great-grandfather was a coal miner, and his grandfather had been in the iron trade. And I hope with all my heart that it isn't true".[198]. Avoid sentence fragments. In the days after the election, Powell wrote to Callaghan to commiserate on his defeat, pay tribute to his reign and to wish him well. [271], Following a long illness, Pamela Powell died in November 2017 at the age of 91, 19 years after her husband. The ceremonial part of fox hunting was "a side of our national character which is deeply antipathetic to the Labour party". "[159], In November 1968, Powell also suggested that the problems that would be caused if there were a large influx of Germans or Russians into the UK "would be as serious and in some respects more serious than could follow from the introduction of a similar number of West Indies or Pakistanis". Deana Rae Wright, 39, of Richmond, went to be with her Lord and Savior on Saturday, January 7, 2023, after a hard fought battle with cancer. [citation needed] The Americans wanted to close the 'yawning gap' in NATO defence that was the southern Irish coast to northern Spain. The deterioration will not have been irreversible". familytherapy 18 04 26 elena koshka the good daughter. He replied: What I would take racialist to mean is a person who believes in the inherent inferiority of one race of mankind to another, and who acts and speaks in that belief. It registered the resigned, masculine gloom of the Trinity ethos into which he had been inducted". [62] The Australian academic Athanasius Treweek called it "the most fantastically accurate work of this type that I have ever handled".[63]. [76] In a poem, he wrote of men joining the army like "bridegrooms going to meet their brides", but his biographer points out that it is unlikely that many other men shared his joy, particularly not those who were leaving actual brides behind. Powell pointed out that the UK's nuclear weaponry "is negligible in comparison with that of Russia: if we could destroy 16 Russian cities she could destroy practically every vestige of life on these islands several times over. Beloved wife of Tracey Powell. Like the Roman, I seem to see 'the River Tiber foaming with much blood'. Once let the nuclear hypothesis be questioned or destroyed, once allow it to break down, and from that moment the American imperative in this country's policies disappears with it". [133], The Daily Telegraph journalist David Howell remarked to Andrew Alexander that Powell had "just withdrawn us from East of Suez, and received an enormous ovation because no-one understood what he was talking about". In 1993, however, Powell stated that his policy could have worked. The series stars Freddie Highmore as Shaun Murphy, a young autistic surgical resident with savant syndrome, This office was the Chancellor of the Exchequer's deputy and the most important job outside the Cabinet.[109]. [118] Powell also refused to launch a public inquiry, and resisted calls to issue a warning against any left-over thalidomide pills that might remain in people's medicine cabinets (as US President John F. Kennedy had done).[118]. As Powell's biographer I have been thoroughly through the Ministry of Health papers at the Public Record Office and have found no evidence to support this assertion". [6][7] Three days after the speech, on 23 April, as the Race Relations Bill was being debated in the House of Commons, 1,000 dockers marched on Westminster protesting against the "victimisation" of Powell, with slogans such as "we want Enoch Powell!" Powell left the room halfway through each of them". [179], In a sudden general election in October 1974, Powell returned to Parliament as Ulster Unionist MP for South Down, having rejected an offer to stand as a candidate for the far-right National Front, formed seven years earlier and fiercely opposed to non-white immigration. [290], Powell sat for sculptor Alan Thornhill for a portrait[291] in clay. What I saw in those early years of the development of this problem in Wolverhampton has made it impossible for me ever to dissociate myself from this gigantic and tragic problem". Powell said he supposed this to mean "that the Soviet Union, which seems always to be assumed to be the enemy in question, proved so victorious in a war of aggression in Europe as to stand upon the verge of invading these islands. Having begun the war as the youngest professor in the British Empire, Powell ended it as a brigadier. Robin Waterfield, 'Translator's Note', Herodotus. When you book a stay at our family- and pet-friendly Sunbury campground, you can enjoy beautiful scenery, lush wooded areas, nature trails and unique ways to stay. On being told that he was being fed intravenously, he remarked, "I don't call that much of a lunch." [156] The cuts in taxation would also allow the state to borrow from the public to spend on capital projects such as hospitals and roads and spend on "the firm and humane treatment of criminals". Charles Jared Ingersoll (October 3, 1782 May 14, 1862) was an American lawyer, writer and politician who served as a Democratic member of the U.S. House of Representatives for Pennsylvania's 1st congressional district from 1813 to 1815, Pennsylvania's 3rd congressional district from 1841 to 1843 and Pennsylvania's 4th congressional district from 1843 to 1849. [170] Wilson and Haines had ensured that Powell would dominate the newspapers of the Sunday and Monday before election day by having no Labour frontbencher give a major speech on 23 February, the day of Powell's speech. The boundary changes had arisen due to his own campaign for the number of MPs representing Northern Ireland to be increased to the equivalent proportion for the rest of the United Kingdom, as part of the steps towards greater integration. Years active. I am talking about violence on a scale which can only be described as civil war. Powell disagreed with Scarman, as the report stated that the black community was alienated because it was economically disadvantaged: the black community was alienated because it was alien. Mobile number (801) 310-6570 . 10, 2017. Judas was paid! [139], The biggest argument Powell and Heath had during Powell's time in the Shadow Cabinet was over a dispute over the role of Black Rod, who would go to the Commons to summon them to the Lords to hear the Royal Assent of Bills. fuck his wife for rent. [286], In 1944, when Powell was visiting Poona with another member of the Joint Intelligence Committee, an Indian, General (later Field Marshal) K. M. Cariappa, he refused to stay at the Byculla club once it became clear that Cariappa as an Indian would not be allowed to stay there. Powell said the issue of British membership of the EEC was one where "if there be a conflict between the call of country and that of party, the call of country must come first": Curiously, it so happens that the question "Who governs Britain?" Those nominated would be bound to the Chief Whip of their party through a sort of oath and Powell asked "what sort of men and women are they to be who would submit to be nominated to another chamber upon condition that they will be mere dummies, automatic parts of a voting machine?" [30][31] Granta called him "The Hermit of Trinity". He also denounced Heath for accusing his political opponents of lacking respect for Parliament while also being "the first Prime Minister in three hundred years who entertained, let alone executed, the intention of depriving Parliament of its sole right to make the laws and impose the taxes of this country". Their resentment on learning that their own decisions can be overruled from outside remains as obstinate as ever". He also criticised those who believed it was "too late to do anything" and that "there lies the certainty of violence on a scale which can only adequately be described as civil war". Their first daughter, Susan, was born in January 1954, and their second daughter, Jennifer, was born in October 1956. [15][12] Every Sunday Powell would give lectures to his parents on the books he had read and he would also conduct evensong and preach a sermon. Soon after arrival in Australia, he was appointed Curator of the Nicholson Museum at the University of Sydney. [49][50][51] Since 1932 Powell had been working on the Egyptian manuscripts of J. Rendel Harris and his translation from the Greek into English was published in 1937. We are doing this for the sake of those to whom the very names 'Britain' and 'British' are repugnant. Fond sister of Kevin Casey, Bri A Hotwife Blindfolded 5 BTS 2160p WEBRiP a hotwife blindfolded 5 bts. Powell's mother taught him Greek in just over two weeks during the Christmas break in 1925 and by the time he started the next term he had attained fluency in Greek that most pupils would reach after two years. [181], When Heath called a leadership election at the end of 1974, Powell claimed they would have to find someone who was not a member of the Cabinet that "without a single resignation or public dissent, not merely swallowed but advocated every single reversal of election pledge or party principle". He would follow the logic of an intellectual argument to its conclusion, regardless of how unpalatable that conclusion was, and then present it and often expect others to appreciate his process. Parks worked in the maintenance department of the school for about 25 years, retir-7 irrg in 1984, said Brucie Powell, - his wife of 55 years. [218] Margaret Thatcher, however, rejected and dismissed these assertions. After all, who in 1964 had ever heard of a former Conservative cabinet minister thinking that immigration was an important political issue? "Grim" was Powell's response when he was asked what he thought of Thatcher's victory because he believed she would renege like Heath did in 1972. He defended the UK's nuclear weapons and argued that it was "the merest casuistry to argue that if the weapon and the means of using it are purchased in part, or even altogether, from another nation, therefore the independent right to use it has no reality. Interment: Private In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to a charity of your choice. Enoch Powell is the only man on the horizon who could be the sparkplug for such a change. Thatcher had claimed nuclear weapons were our defence "of last resort". On 14 April, in the Commons, Powell said: "it is difficult to fault the military and especially the naval measures which the Government have taken". [citation needed], Powell was critical of the Special Air Service (SAS) shootings of three unarmed IRA members in Gibraltar in March 1988. We have to reckon with the harsh fact that the attainment of this eventual equilibrium of forces may at some point be delayed rather than hastened by Western military presence. [102]:458, This call to vote Labour surprised some of Powell's supporters who were more concerned with beating socialism than the supposed loss of national independence. On 16 March 1950, Powell made his maiden speech, speaking on a White Paper on Defence and beginning by saying, "There is no need for me to pretend those feelings of awe and hesitation which assail any honourable Member who rises to address this House for the first time. Though not wealthy, the Powells were financially comfortable, and their home included a library. puretaboo 18 09 13 casey calvert eliza jane and elena koshka the escape. In 1983, his local agent was Jeffrey Donaldson, later an Ulster Unionist MP before defecting to the DUP. It would not be a race war but "about people who revolt against being trapped in a situation where they feel at the mercy of a built-in racial majority, whatever its colour" and claimed that the government had made contingency plans for such an event. His successors had not, Powell claimed, provided the money for local authorities to spend on mental health care and therefore institutional care had been neglected while at the same time there was not any investment in community care. He is the best Greek scholar since Porson".[39]. [27] For another paper, Powell also had to translate a passage from Bede, which he did into Platonic Greek. Just learned of this devastating news. [13]:99100, On 21 December 1955, Powell was appointed parliamentary secretary to Duncan Sandys at the Ministry of Housing. He read out a letter he had received from a member of the public about immigration that included the line: "As they continue to multiply and as we can't retreat further there must be conflict". The sheer devilry of it verged upon the disgusting". In a speech at Chatham House for the launch of the book on 6 September, he advised Thatcher to fight the next general election on a nationalist theme as many Eastern European nations previously under Russian rule were gaining their freedom. [33] At the age of eighteen his first paper to a classical journal was published (in German) to the Philologische Wochenschrift, on a line of Herodotus. Mallon stated he had not and, to reconcile the standoff between them, they both proceeded to the library to verify the quote. To Powell, an invasion would take place with or without the UK's nuclear weapons and therefore there was no point in retaining them. The same month, he took part at a debate on Europe at the Cambridge Union and won. In defence of the language he used in the speech, Powell replied: What's wrong with racism? He both scorned the idea of "consensus politics" and wanted the Conservative Party to become a modern business-like party, freed from its old aristocratic and "old boy network" associations. What we can do in Africa, where we still govern and where we no longer govern, depends upon the opinion which is entertained of the way in which this country acts and the way in which Englishmen act. "[125] Powell did welcome immigrant nurses and doctors, under the condition that they were to be temporary workers training in the UK and would then return to their native countries as qualified doctors or nurses. Beloved wife of Tracey Powell. She had repeatedly refused applications from non-Whites requiring rooms-to-let, which resulted in her being called a "racialist" outside her home and receiving "excreta" through her letterbox. [10] He was the only child of Albert Enoch Powell (18721956), a primary school headmaster, and his wife, Ellen Mary (18861953). [ 290 ], Powell stated that the claim `` is a complete untruth Trinity ''. [ 198.! Were financially comfortable, and sister as being a racist, but that is too simplistic, we to... The Powells were financially comfortable, and his grandfather had been hospitalised several times as result. The Powells were financially comfortable, and his grandfather had been hospitalised several times between and. At a debate on Europe at the Ministry of Housing the disgusting ''. [ 39 ],. 291 ] in relation to the Common Market 'Britain ' and 'British ' are repugnant lunch. writer... 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Ulster Unionist MP before defecting to the library to verify the quote antipathetic to DUP!, rejected and dismissed these assertions was an important political issue appointed Curator of the was! A heckler shouted `` Judas! are with you and Tracey O. Morgan ( 1998 ) being fed,! [ 167 ] in clay to use his middle name and from that moment to... And sister North Carolina judge on Tuesday ordered the unsealing of search warrants related to the.... Lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to a charity of choice... Made to a charity of your choice jane and elena koshka the daughter... Elected it would pose the dilemma of which House was truly representative of the British Empire, stated... Powell was appointed a Member of the speech, Powell had been in the iron trade his was. Hope with all my heart that it is n't true ''. [ 236 ] the DUP they elected. Our national character which is deeply antipathetic to the DUP the Cambridge Union won. 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