mct training schedule 2022 camp geiger

They wont let you take candy into the barracks, but you can stock up on cough drops which helps suppress the hunger a bit. My son has not been himself at he is being charged with some stuff that he did while in sac company.. MCT lasts for 29 days and is intended to train all non-infantry Marines in the infantry skills essential to operate in a combat environment. I am so concerned about this. Take advantage of any down time to eat chow, use the head, and make friends. Required fields are marked *. by . The second week is spent learning about improvised explosive devices (IEDs), binoculars, how to detain a suspect, how to search a suspect, how to setup checkpoints, and how to patrol. Not everyone is cut out to be a Marine, and many recruits and new Marines go through similar situations. Kevlars will fit, and your gear issue will be legit. My son is week 3 at E. MCT (waited a week to get picked up His original MOS was Combat Support. But her recruiter said there was a poss that her school could be delayed thats why we have been waiting to confirm our thanksgiving plans. Marines at this stage used to sleep in tents, but Mothers of America had that changed by complaining, so now we get a giant tin can. @None Please feel free to point out any specifics regarding a breach in OPSEC. Super web site!! What is the more likely cause of that? SOI is where basically trained Marines become Marine warriors. Those without an Infantry designation attend the Marine Combat training through the School of Infantry. It is to make them perform at a high level when the proverbial Ice cream turns to S4!t. During marksmanship, there are several weapons Marines learn. Thanks. An example can be seen at my Facebook photo below. I keep reading about there being a family day. Marine Combat Training (MCT) is a school that Marines attend to learn how to become proficient with their weapons, and combat. Be prepared to be treated like crap at East coast MCT. The marines have taken me alot of places nad made me to the woman i am today, Hey Kevin, Maybe it was due to less motivation, in the fact that in boot camp you earn the title Marine after the hike. i will i know if my son got picked up and if so what company he is in, is there somewhere i can look on here. 30-rd. And my husband told me too that they can come home on the last weekend of their graduation and comes back Sunday night. Fire through a bunch of blanks and then hold the barrel of your rifle. He has been able to contact me every Sunday for about 10 minutes, but this Sunday, I didnt get a call. do they work through their breaks on sunday? Thank you for sharing your experience with us. At the end of the day the Marine Corps maintains its fearsome battle reputation because it trains it men hard because combat is hard and the more you sweat in training, the less you die in war. We address some frequently asked questions revolving around Marine Combat Training below. If anyone is looking for a grad schedule it is now up on the MCT website. The first week of Marine Combat Training youll spend doing simple classes and practical application. Thanks for your help. they go to some school after right? There are Marines that will always be dirt bags, and no matter how many times their actions cause the platoon to get punished, theyll just continue to be who they are. However, i understand that the training for those going into the infantry is longer (9 weeks) and cannot find any information regarding the graduation dates or what to expect. Simply add 4 weeks and 1 day to the date that your Marine (or you) classes up, and youll have your Marines MCT graduation date. When my son left PI, he had 2 sea bags, another heavy bag with all his dress/service uniforms and his ditty bag. It is pretty comparable to the crucible hike, on less-even ground. Some refer to MCT as Phase 4 of boot camp. Plenty of space is available along with video games and televisions, both indoors and outdoors to relax and enjoy quality family time with your Marine. My husband is almost done with his bootcamp. Hi. Should we be worried? Now as far as the comparision of east and west cost, again I was there when all the changes were coming down range (excuse the pun) rest assured the training is the same. I would give him the benefit of the doubt, but this is possible. Did he recently have anything happen at home? Not all Marines are Infantry, but the Marines consider every Marine a rifleman. She should graduate this tues the 23rd but I dont know. This means all Marines must have the ability to handle themselves After graduating from boot camp, Marines earn a day of travel and ten days of leave. The entire time at MCT you're carrying your flak and kevlar, M16, and assault pack. Thank you for keeping us safe from the known and unknown. As fun as the shooting is, the waiting barely makes it worth the trip. Below is a link to MCT graduation info. Thanks so much for all the information. We took our son to MCT Camp Geiger on Feb 22, 2011. The difference doesnt even begin to compare. The chow hall is REALLY nice too. Magazine Pouch (2) And no, I dont stand in stupid formations when other people mess up. I attended MCT from 2010 January 26 2010 February 23. Where is the School of Infantry (SOI)? As a female I was worried about some things, but the details you shared helped put those worries to rest. Can you give any advice as to what he should bring with him (besides his phone, charger) in terms of either conveniences, clothes or other things? fit, yes maam, no sir, Marine who wouldnt even use the washer or anything else in our home without permission while on his 10 days leave after boot. Last question. this really helped me out with my husband being at mct. Hi. [] During basic training you get the version with iron sights (for now at least). There is an RA budget, so if they already have Marines helping, then they may not need him. Apparently, I wont hear from him until tomorrow. The Marine Corps' mantra is "every Marine a rifleman", and Marine Combat Training is where that philosophy is implemented. my boy friend just left for MCT traning i was curious if this address looks correct i wanna send him mail to the right address lol. My boyfriend is currently at MCT at camp geiger and I was wondering if he would have libo tomorrow for thanksgiving? I dont mind cold food anyways, so I saved my warmers for the brutal mornings when we were sitting on our packs for 2 hours before a hike. Marines want to be confident that the Navy personnel they are deployed with care just as much about physical fitness as they do. Its not like boot camp where he has to have a company and a number and everything is it? Can I mail candy to my son for Christmas at MCT (East)? He had heard recently that some schedule changes were giving new MCT graduates a leave in between MCT and MOS can you comment on that? Wow its been a long time since i have went to mct. One more question. Thank you. Some Marines attend Marine Combat Training at Camp Pendleton in California while others attend Camp Geiger in North Carolina. The punish all because of the acts of one has LITERALLY no learning curve, purpose, or long-term positive logic behind it. I agree, each service member is a hero regardless of branch, but there is no other brotherhood like the Marine Corps and that is coming from someone who was in a college fraternity. P.S. Just something youd have to experience when your there. he really cant stand to loose anymore..he is skinny now. Simply add 4 weeks and 1 day to the date that your Marine (or you) classes up, and youll have your Marines MCT graduation date. About two weeks in he fractured his collar bone and sprained his shoulder. Some platoons never get their phones at MCT, and some get them every Sunday. My husband left for his MCT in NC on November 22 but he didnt class up until December 7. The below information has been compiled from my first-hand experiences at MCT SOI East Coast at Camp Geiger, NC. Directions to MCT (pdf). After hearing and reading all thats required, I dont know if I would not have cried the whole time. Marine Combat Training is a challenging training program. If not by your Marine, by someone within the command. Some of it makes sense, and some of it is pointless just like the military in general. And are the Saturdays and Sundays (weekends off) included in the full 29 days? 1 week ago You might attend Marine Combat Training at Camp Pendleton or Camp Geiger. I would love to hear if MCT has changed in anyway. My fiance went to MCT november 30th, however I think there was some concern that he and a few of his buddies from boot camp were going to be arriving to MCT training later than the report date(Nov.23), because of some complications when the company scheduled flights with the air lines. Once an OFFICIAL updated schedule is available, we will add them to the charts below. The hikes are very similar to the hikes at boot camp. The 12th annual Marine Corps Trials, hosted by the Marine Corps Wounded Warrior Regiment, will take place aboard Camp Pendleton, Calif., March 4-9 and Camp Lejeune, NC., March 9-14. Please tell me if I am reading this correctly?! He will have to check in at MOS school first, and then he will get details on his leave. Marine Combat Training is a four week evolution at Camp Pendleton, Calif. , and Camp Geiger, N.C., where Marines with non-combat military occupational specialties are trained in basic infantry skills after graduating Recruit Training. Caroline. At least now I know what he is experiencing. Parris Island and San Diego DO NOT necessarily follow the same schedules . is the final march back to camp geiger on thursday or friday? My mother found an address and we were wondering if they are able to receive letters from us? Yes, West coast has weekends off, and they are granted the opportunity to leave base. We plan to drive 61/2 hours to get there. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Levi served in the Marine Corps as a heavy equipment operator from 2007-2011. I just wanted to thank you for all of the advice on this site. And yes, no news is great news! Marine Combat Training MatrixEvery platoon at Marine Corps boot camp has a few recruits that get a hold of the training matrix/schedule, but finding a schedule for Marine Combat Training (MCT) is another story. Maybe you can round up your buddies at Camp Lejeune for an extra set of eyes . Are you referring to holiday leave? However because of the way Lejuene is designed (part hunting ground/part training area/part nature preserve) the hours are the way they are but rest assured the training is the same. Thanks Kevin, her mos is admin but specifically she is aircraft maintenance record keeping (or something like that lol) she is scheduled to go to miss. Phones I think 3 times after getting picked up, not every weekend. After graduating from boot camp, Marines earn a day of travel and ten days of leave. The only way to prepare someone for combat is to create the same types of stresses that they may encounter during war. Is there another graduation after MOS training? This means all Marines must have the ability to handle themselves during combat. Or not till shes off base after Grad tmrw. I want to send a letter to my son but how do I find out his Co, class and platoon? It is always on a Tuesday. Im not worried but he can call before graduation right? Your email address will not be published. Of course, there was NO signal out at Camp Devil Dog but we did stand in LONG payphone lines. sand fleas on east coast, and hills on west coast). I did like I normally did which was to write two letters a week to keep him informed and motivated. The mission is to train and conduct standards-based combat skills training of all non-infantry Marines in order to ensure that every Marine is a fighting Marine, regardless of their Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). Keep up the good work and God Bless. This has helped me out tremendously on finding out info about my fiancs graduation. The ceremony is short, so dont come unless you can make it for family day the day before. MCT Battalion generates Marine Riflemen to possess a foundational understanding of, and their role in applying, the Marine Corps' warfighting ethos, core values, basic tenets of maneuver warfare, leadership responsibilities, mental, moral, and physical resiliency in order to contribute to the successful accomplishment of their unit's mission. Thank you soooo much!!!! Is there a way he or I can do in case he doesnt get PTAD after MCT? You would have gotten my tips to wear mole skins on your knees and elbows for the low crawling that you do in the sand especially during the Crucible. Rule #1 the other coast is always easier I was wondering if you have any information on the times of these events or if he will even be aloud to make a phone call today!? im worried that he got in trouble or got hurt or something This tends to worry me ALOT. I was surprised to see they dont get 36 hours leave after Graduation. WOWI went through MCT almost 10 years ago (the first platoon to integrate females) and we were allowed to take our phones with us. Not only is this one of the best Hotdogs I have ever eaten.. and I have ate a lot lol, The guy operating the cart was more imformative than anyone else I asked to find out where my son was and times of graduation etc! Thanks so much . Semper Fidelis~~~. MCT is really the last part of training that has such limited communications. It used to be the cheapest hotel in Jacksonville, but dont expect too much. However, the actual graduation date is March 4th. This time frame includes administration procedures initially and consists of the day of graduation at the end. Im heading to MCT next month and I have a few questions. Powered by WordPress. The all new 2022 Camp Geiger Leader Guide is finished and available for you to download now. When do Marines start recruiting?? The hikes sound easy, but theyll kick your butt on very little sleep and having to put up with the weather. Fleece Bottom Those are fleet pictures. He didnt think to call my cell phone but I had it off anyway. He told us he wont find out anything until the day before graduation. It is putting 150 lbs. Week three includes a lot of combat marksmanship, live fire, and more combat conditioning. I wish I could just set all of yall down and console you ,but The Corps is something very different than you can imagine, even after reading all of the blogs and watching all of the documentaries including Ears, Open, Eyeballs, Click There is no way to comprehend the reality of the Corps.When a kid steps on those yellow foot prints he is in his own mind alone. While it lacks the intensity of the infantry training those with the infantry MOS enjoy, it is still tough. What are your thoughts and what do you recall? All hikes start really early in the morning, and the long hikes at MCT usually last about 4 hours. It is not worth him hurting himself over, or doing something worse. My nephew was with Kilo Company as a recruit, will he be considered Kilo Company at MCTB? 25 Now at MCT in Camp Pendleton, says it sucks worse than boot in some ways. stating that he will be two weeks later in graduating,but,he didnt say Tactical Vest (duece gear) Also, speaking of the kevlar, do you get one that actually fits or do you not have a choice? Thank you again for your service to our country, as well as, the one you provide here with your website. Is it possible for me to visit him inside Camp Pendleton? This infomration you posted gives mre insight to what he will be up against for the net 29 days. I went through in the winter, so the snow and below freezing temperatures made my Marine Combat Training (MCT) experience a miserable time. My son lost a lot of weight (45lbs)during boot.. mostly from so much exercise from the DIs crap. I guess my question may be one that you cant answer, but what do you know of Sailors attending MCT; what should be expected of us and for us? (on a Tuesday) Having been an instructor on the west coast and doing one cycle of exchange instructor on the east coast, I have first hand knowledge on the topic. But it's good training. My husband was asking about the D.E.E.R.S., I talked to his recruiter and he said that when he is done with bootcamp and MOS thats the time the they will send us that package..Is this true??? It all depends on her platoon and instructors. When they mess up, they get written up, counseled, and non -recd. If you dont bring a cell phone, then you wont be able to make a phone call unless you borrow one. Later that week, you will do a five-mile hike, learn field care, and do a lot of hiking and running. So far he has not had off base liberty on the weekends or been able to use phones. I'm not sure an up-to-date MCT schedule even exists. You dont really have any breaks during MCT east coast. He said other guys fell behind before he started to and they werent considered falling behind. No m4s and no sapi carriers. Although I do plan on writing him back to find out more about thisI just wanted to get you feedback. Very informative and efficient in disseminating information. The good news is that the barracks at MCT are REALLY nice compared to boot camp. Do you not receive the same brief over and over and over again because someone (after receiving the same briefs) still gets a DUI over a payday weekend? Can somebody please help me find the info on his mos school start date!??? What needs to happen to get this into placedoes she need to call someone or speak w/ someone specificially in MCT about this to get things in motion? Back when I was a young LCpl We used to take strippers there after the strip clubs closed. That sounds awful but it makes it easier knowing other guys (and girls) had to put up with some bullshit too, in boot or MCT or fleet. Her recruiter was surprised she even went to MCT before the holidays, he thought she would be sent after Christmas. The first week consists of checking in and the issuing of your gear. I have been telling myself she is just too busy and this has just confirmed my thinking. Youll make head calls in the woods about every 45 minutes to an hour. ^ The address that you posted is it still the same now and will it get to him? I wrote a letter to my wife almost every day at boot camp. Make sure you know what you need to take to MCT. If you live in the west, you attend training at Camp Pendleton in California. MCT Restaurants (pdf) Can you leave base during SOI? ILBE Pack 29 daysMCT lasts for 29 days and is intended to train all non-infantry Marines in the infantry skills essential to operate in a combat environment. I'm not sure an up-to-date MCT schedule even exists. Youll be using the actual weapons hooked into a high-tech computer system that shows your shooting results. Another question. In the event that your Marine will have time to meet with parents/visitors, the parent/visitor should follow the unit to their Company area. She might be able to get away with that, but Im not sure. Im sorry this has happened. So Im glad to read that they dont get to call for a while and so on. He did state however that he will have 10 days of leave between MCT and MOS but that may also be because of when his MOS school starts. I always wanted to be a marine. Any Marines without an infantry MOS will train at SOI - Marine Combat Training (MCT). What is camp guard and how long does it usually last? mct training schedule 2022 camp geiger. And I guess it is true, those west coast marines are truly HOLLYWOOD MARINES. I just want to say that as a new Marines wife it is so good to read all this stuff. You really bond with the men and women around you the sense of family comes in, I still keep in contact with everyone. If your a Marine, I dont think it matters if your training east or west. Please advise (and thanks for letting me straighten-up our experience in Cali, er I mean, Hollywood) Mom of a U.S. Im just wondering.yes, like recruit training, MCT does take their purpose to the extreme but unless you want actual live rounds buzzing by your head, this is what we are left with. Hey Kevin, I have a question for you. I will try to find out and report back. We are going to have a lot of Vets from these dam wars we are in now and I hope you all ban together, regardless of branch served or east or west coasts. you gotta be kidding melol. I just came across your website today and I think it is very well done and very informational. Hi, My boyfriend just left for MCT training at camp Geiger on the 1st of feb assuming he will be going to MOS after wards on the 1st of march, when will i find out where he will be going for MOS and can i visit? Here youll learn the basics in mounting and dismounting a seven-ton armored vehicle, patrolling, IED detection and procedures, security check points, vehicle and detainee searches, night assaults, ambushes, crossing danger points, map reading and more. Do you know if this us true? Yes, Marine Combat Training Battalion is encouraging family members to utilize the Rally Point on Monday the day before graduation from 3:00 pm to 5:30 pm following the LINKS Brief and just prior to your Marines being released for liberty . Once found, I will promptly delete the information. Ethansproudmom. I went through MCT in the dead of winter we even got 8 inches of snow during one of our field weeks. Thanks. Do you not still stand in formation at crazy times because someone missed formation or duty? Everywhere. West coast is way more laid back, so you might have an easier time, but the east coast doesnt play. There is generally no evening liberty during the week, however, it is possible to get weekends off. Thanks again. Thanks for the kind words, Anna. All Graduations will be held at the Camp Geiger Gym MCT Graduation Schedule 7:45am - 8:30am Parents and Visitors are encouraged to meet with the Marine Combat Training Battalion Commander and Sergeant Major for a Parent's Orientation at the Camp Geiger Recreation Center loacted at the building TC-1005 (map located at the bottom of the page). You dont really need the blanks. My son just graduated 11/19/10 from boot camp (Parris Island). What Happens After MCT? Now, obviously, I can not speak for every MCT instructor but my goal was to save at least one life each class. This is why the Marines say all Marines are riflemen. Let me know if I can do anything else to help. If MCT(E) had the resources that MCT(W) had (for example, bivoucing right across the road from ALL the ranges in contrast to designated hunting sites) the east coast could afford to give their students more time off. If the car is registered in my name(her parent), is it going to be a problem if I am not going with them and will not be present? Hi, my husband just started mct up , since he was on camp guard for about two weeks. If you live in the west, you attend training at Camp Pendleton in California. Thanks! In the case of MCT (or any training base for that matter) sometimes the platoon (or company or even battalion) commander can issue restrictions on outside communications (cell phones, emails, etc). My husband is currently at MCT East and I know his company (Golf) and his class (30-11), but not his PLT number. Good news on ALL the females being trained on the East Coast what with me being a fiance and all, haha. 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